One year on from the inception of ICBs, Donna Hall caught up with Rob Webster and Fatima Khan-Shah to explore the ingredients for successful integrated ways of working in West Yorkshire.
Rob Webster CBE, CEO for NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and CEO Lead for West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and Fatima Khan-Shah is Associate Director Long Term Conditions and Personalisation NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Chair of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Race Equality Network.
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) is a large integrated care system (ICS) that supports 2.4 million people, living in urban and rural areas. 770,000 are children and young people. 530,000 people live in areas ranked as the poorest 10% of England. 20% of people are from minority ethnic communities. There are an estimated 400,000 unpaid carers, as many don’t access support. Together we employ over 100,000 staff and work alongside thousands of volunteers. The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and the Partnership Board are part of the Partnership.