Training and development

Gain access to our industry-leading leadership training for healthcare professionals

On the backdrop of a rapidly evolving health sector landscape, it is essential leaders and their teams are well equipped with the best knowledge, expertise and approaches to adapt and ultimately, succeed.

Our team of experts have worked within and across the NHS, as clinicians, executive directors, service managers and programme directors. We support a huge range of systems and organisations across health, pharma and data systems, supporting change and driving and embedding best practice.

We offer flexible and engaging training and development with our industry-leading experts to support organisations to grow their own talent and empower them to resolve issues locally.

Our approach

We believe that people learn best when they are engaged and when the training resonates with their experience and understanding. Our training packages are carefully designed to:

Building on our knowledge and experience and using training to explore how the knowledge gained can be applied to local issues

With delegates encouraged to think about “what next” using tools such as next step planning, developing 30 day targets, setting goals and collectively agreeing action plans

By bringing people together to jointly learn and work through collective issues, supporting team building and joint understanding of how issues can be resolved

With sessions designed to allow people to get to know each other, often setting up learning sets or enabling WhatsApp groups

With sessions designed to allow participants to share best practice and learning from their own experience

We have many tried and tested tools and techniques to support flexible, engaging and high quality training:

Many of which have been led and/or implemented by those leading sessions

Through expert panels or recorded videos including input from national leaders, senior clinicians, relevant lawyers and patient/user representatives

To share our knowledge and experience

To bring learning to life with groups often following a case study through the training session, comparing what works and what doesn’t, and learning from real-life examples

To give delegates the opportunity to learn from each other, discuss materials and learning and collectively address questions

Where delegates get the chance to use tools in a supportive, learning environment

We have a successful track record in delivering training programmes, for healthcare professionals, NHS staff, pharma teams, as well as delivering training for trainers. This has included the roll out of digital applications to 28 trusts for the NHS Federated Data Platform and delivering the national training programme on major service change on behalf of NHSE.

Our offer

Our training offer is flexible and can be tailored to local circumstances. Some examples of the types of training we offer include:

  • Board development: working with Boards to gain insight into specific areas of knowledge such as major service change and organisational form
  • Knowledge training: using our highly-regarded, engaging and insightful approach to impact knowledge and insights and then work with teams to apply this to local situations
  • Webinars: “broadcast” events for up to 150 people to impart knowledge and insights on specific topics such as developing a case for change, risk management and NHS capital and finance
  • Tool training: to support staff to use new tools and technology, creating knowledge and insight amongst your staff
  • Critical friend support: working 1:1 or with small teams as a critical friend in specialist areas such as major service change programmes
  • “How to” toolkits: developing toolkits and manuals to sit alongside our training and be used by staff to support delivery

Our training approach and tools can be used across sectors and knowledge areas but some of the topics that our clients have found useful include:

Health Systems

  • What it takes to do major service change
  • Writing a pre consultation business case
  • Legal options for organisational structure
  • Service change for clinicians
  • How to do an options appraisal
  • Introduction to NHS capital and finance
  • Inequalities and service change
  • Implementation of digital applications

Pharma and Life Sciences

  • Understanding the structure of the NHS and how this impacts relationships
  • NHS policy framework and routes of influence
  • NHS contractual framework including for general medical services and community pharmacy
  • Medical optimisation including role of NICE and the high cost drug process
  • NHS culture, decision-making and relationships
  • Implementation of digital applications

Our expert team

Our specialist team have a range of training and development expertise across health systems, life sciences and data.

Hannah Farrar

Liz Knight

Jo Andrews

Phil Livingstone

Ben Richardson

Will Browne

To speak to one of our specialists about leadership and development training, contact us today.