ICS Investment Tool – Quantifying the left shift for the NHS

Understanding the breakdown of healthcare spend per capita and the potential savings from increasing spend in the community care setting.

As the government seek to turn around the NHS and achieve a ‘left shift’ from reactive care in hospitals, to more proactive care in the community setting, improved insights about spend and allocation is critical.

Our Integrated Care System (ICS) Investment tool, developed in partnership with NHS Confederation, has been created to support healthcare providers in understanding and scrutinising the breakdown of healthcare spend per capita, and the potential savings and return on investment by increasing spend in the community care setting.

The ICS tool permits understanding of:

1) The level of spend per capita compared to needs per capita for each of primary care, community care, mental health and acute
2) See the potential impact that increasing community spending could have on acute.

This follows on from our previous report on the impact of investing in community spend which demonstrated the potential to reduce acute activity.

How to use the ICS Investment Tool

  1. Select an ICS from the dropdown box in the top right-hand corner
  2. Explore an overview of the ICSs spend distribution in acute, primary, community care and mental health; comparable to peer data
  3. Scroll down to adjust spend in community care. This reveals the potential ROI from altering spend distribution, highlighting the impact on GVA, and the possible overall economic return

 This interactive tool should help you explore questions such as:

  • How is spend currently allocated by care setting in my ICS?
  • Is this the right distribution of spend based on population needs?
  • How does this spend compare to my peers?
  • If my ICS invested more in community care, what could the impact be?

These insights provide just a glimpse into the potential of investing more in community care and moving the NHS to a proactive care model. If you’d like to understand more about the ICS tool or any of its insights, please get in touch with us today.

Limitations of the tool

 This tool uses the most recent national data for whole years available at the time it was created. It is designed to show spend and need and illustrate potential impact based on the relationship established in our report. It does not enable wider return on investment to be calculated and it does not reflect the detail of spending by intervention outlined in our prevention report.

About NHS Confederation

The NHS Confederation is the membership body that brings together and speaks on behalf of organisations that plan, commission and provide NHS services in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. The members we represent employ 1.5 million staff, care for more than 1 million patients a day and control £150 billion of public expenditure. We promote collaboration and partnership working as the key to improving population health, delivering high-quality care and reducing health inequalities. For more information visit www.nhsconfed.org

About CF

We are a leading consultancy dedicated to making an enduring impact on health and healthcare. We work with leaders and frontline teams to improve health, transform healthcare, embed life science innovation and boost growth through investment. With unmatched access to UK healthcare data and award-winning data science expertise, our team are a driving force for delivering positive and meaningful change. https://www.carnallfarrar.com/