NHS reforms will introduce ICSs and more locally place-based partnerships. What these are and how they work has been a hot topic for the NHS and industry.

Guidance for ICSs on the development of place-based partnerships as part of statutory integrated care systems was published 2 September 2021. The guidance describes place-based partnerships as are collaborative arrangements formed by the organisations responsible for health and care services in a locality and emphasises that they will remain the foundation of ICSs and play a central role. The guidance sets out the expectation ICS leaders to confirm their place-based partnership arrangements for 2022/23 including boundaries, leadership and membership.

The guidance sets out key actions for ICSs on their approach and key considerations for place-based partnerships:

•Define the footprint of the places
•Determine the purpose of places
•Agree the shared capabilities and activities
•Determine membership
•Create governance structure
•Establish clearly defined leadership roles

Below we summarise the guidance for the development of place-based partnerships within ICSs, released in September 2021.

The full document can be found here The guidance builds on the White Paper on Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all (February 2021) and NHS England and NHS Improvement’s ICS design framework (June 2021).

